Before and after pictures of the kitchen, back bedroom and dining room in the house. They got wet with all the rain storms we had this summer so we had to take all of it down piece by piece. BJ, the kids, and I all tackled it one Saturday and got the ceiling all down, then with Mom L and Jeremiah's help got the walls out this week. We should be able to get the electrical done and then start insulation. The kids started wearing helmets because it kept falling on their heads. Good little thinkers. One wore out and very dirty crew!! Finished! Now to pull and pull nails. I kept thinking; wow, can you imagine putting all of this up in the first place? Thank goodness for drywall:)
This has been consuming all the "free" time we have had since this spring and it will continue for atleast two more months. We have made wonderful progress, our goal is to be in it before or right around Christmas. We have lots to do yet but thanks to all of the good help we are moving forward! I like the angles in this picture. This is a dormer on the outside, this is one on the inside.
This is just a few summer pictures. Playing at the pond was a highlight of the summer! State Fair was awesome! Thank you Brian, Becky and boys for the great company. The kiddos thought this grand prize pumpkin was a fake. Little Hands on the Farm is always a favorite! Here is just one flood picture. This is actually a road! Johnathon was always a little nervous to get on the tube last year; this year he did so awesome and even enjoyed going by himself a few times. These are just a very few of our summer adventures this year. Come on over anytime and we would love to show you all the many pictures we have!!