Wow, lots has happened in life since the last time I blogged. This is a pretty random selection of the last four or so weeks of our lives. First day of school pictures! Gideon is in 6th, Rachel is in 3rd and John is in 2nd. Wow, where has the time gone?
Adalli doesn't start preschool until next fall but she thinks she is ready to take it on. On this particular day Rachel was her teacher.
The first two and a half weeks we got out of school around noon because our school doesn't have air conditioning so it gets very hot in the building. On those hot days the kiddos would come home and cool off in our "new pool" which is actually an old stainless steel milk storage tank from an old dairy that some friends gave us. It works wonderfully for cooling off after a hot day!
This is the last batch of fresh sweet corn for the summer.
Natalie helped me with my Lima beans on this day. I have tried to grow Lima beans before and have never had very good luck so this year I was determined! I tried hard to keep them watered and weeded and they turned out very good! I look forward to planting a bigger batch next year!
Harvest has started and is in FULL swing! I love fall in Iowa! I enjoy riding in the combine, the cooler temperatures and watching the guys enjoy bringing in what they worked so hard for all year! God has blessed us richly again this year and we are excited to see how He wants us to use it for His glory!
The little girls and I rode a while with dad on this day. They really enjoy "helping" daddy! The big kids love to ride also but by the time you get mom, dad and 5 kiddos in the combine we really don't stay to long!
The girls like to put the corn in their pockets and save it for later. They usually forget about it and I end up with a lot of corn in the washer.
May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for You rule the peoples justly and guide the nations of the earth. May the people praise You, O God; may all the peoples praise You. Then the land will yield its harvest, and God our God, will bless us. God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear Him. Psalm 67: 4-7
The Company We Keep
6 days ago