On Monday June 4th Rachel had a makeup softball game and then we went to watch some girls in Majors play. While we were watching Johnathon and his cousins were playing on the playground. His cousin came and got me and said that John had fallen and was hurt pretty bad, so I jumped up and met him. He wasn't crying that bad at all but he was favoring his arm quite a bit. We made him sit, much to his dismay with a pack of ice for 20 minutes. After the 20 minutes we took the ice off and there was weird swelling right on top where his arm bends at the elbow. BJ loaded him up and headed to Pella to check it out. They said they had to have the radiologist look at the x rays and they would call in the morning. I got a phone call about 9:00 and they said that he had broken his elbow and we needed to see a pediatric orthopedic Dr. in Des Moines. Oh, she also told me that he was to sit and ice it continuously for all day Tuesday and Wednesday. What a chore! John does not sit still for long at all! Thank goodness for the Kindle!
We made it tho, and the Dr. said that he did not need surgery just a cast with his hand facing up, which makes it quite difficult to button your pants or hold on to anything we have found out! He gets a new cast next week Thursday because his arm will have shrunk so much that it will about slide out of this one, they told us. I am thankful for that because it has proved pretty tricky to keep this one clean!
It has not slowed him down in the least and he is sucking up all the attention he gets from it!
Five Things
5 days ago